Neo Neo 今天的bedtime story 選的書是 ”我會關心別人” 她說今天她同學妍安下樓梯摔倒  她有幫忙扶她起來 還問說妳還好嗎 真棒! good girl!! 

Yuan Yuan 在公園也會和哥哥 宜綸分享帶去的玩具。 他們都長大了  越來越懂事~ 加油加油!!

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April 5:Every night in our good night prayer, Neo neo always says, Dear Jesus, please don't let me having dreams, Amen. But tonight, in her prayer, she prays for me too. She says, i hope my mom can learn how to ride a bike very soon without too much practice. This is the first time, she says something more than 我睡覺不要做夢。I am so moved~ 她懂得為別人禱告  太棒了!

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經過幾次的滑行練習 (no 輔助輪及踏板) 今天我們再度到台大練車,練習一會兒後 Neo Neo 會騎了!! Excellent!! We are sooooo happy!! She is very happy too :) 真是太棒了!看著她騎車的模樣 真的很為她高興  學會騎車真的是一件很大的成就耶  i am so proud of you, Neo Neo!!   

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Today Neo's favorite game is "Old Grandma's Shop." She learns how to use scale to weigh items. Yuan's game is still "The Worms' Garden." He can play it by himself. They like to try new games, so today the games we play are: 青蛙跳跳  蟲蟲花園  老奶奶的店(new) 企鵝冰山  踩大便  鯊魚撞球(new)We will try more next time!

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今天Neo 學校做薑餅屋 Yuan 也去湊一咖 They had great fun! Neo 今天在學校很照顧弟弟 帶他上廁所 上下樓梯(來回basement)看到Neo 牽著元 很小心的模樣 So cute! Neo 今天很有大姊姊的樣子! 後來我去basement佈置明天化裝舞會的場地 Yuan 就stay in the classroom and join the class. Neo 說元很乖 老師說他們樂器演奏時有打大鼓 元會怕 可能是太大聲 老師還抱著他 今天真像Pepper Pig的上學記--George 跟著Pepper 去上學~ 中午回家 他倆一直在唸台語第一課 元也幾乎都能說出(上樓時聽到他說六拍手 五.....), his language development is rapidly fast now as well as Neo. I sang "Jingle Bells" with her these two days, and she can sing well now. We shouldn't waste their talent!

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一直想開個blog 記錄小孩的成長點滴 拖拖拉拉下 今天終於開張了! NeoNeo YuanYuan, Mama 來了~


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